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Samantha TristanBella Has Just Published First eBook on Isla Vista Mass Murder: …Murder He Recorded and Planned…

Isla Vista, Santa Barbara, CA

Purchase a copy of “Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood: Murder He Recorded and Planned” from NookPress now

This is an ebook on the Isla Vista Shootings, in a UCSB community.

This is an ebook on the Isla Vista Shootings, in a UCSB community.


Purchase a copy of “Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood: Murder He Recorded and Planned” from AmazonKindle now

Purchase a copy of “Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood: Murder He Recorded and Planned” from Smashwords.com

Book Review:

My Twisted World”: Elliot Rodger’s 141-page Memoir

“All I ever wanted was to fit in and live a happy life amongst humanity, but I was cast out and rejected, forced to endure an existence of loneliness and insignificance, all because the females of the human species were incapable of seeing the value in me,” he wrote in the document, titled “My Twisted World.”

Rodger is the 22-year-old man who videotaped his rage over his rejection by women and vowed retribution a few hours before stabbing his roommates and shooting women and men he encountered in Isla Vista, Santa Barbara, CA.
“As soon as I saw those cops, the biggest fear I had ever felt in my life overcame me,” he wrote. “I had the striking and devastating fear that someone had somehow discovered what I was planning to do, and reported me for it.” In his last video, Rodger stated, “Girls gave their affection and sex and love to other men but never to me.”

It appeared that Rodger was jealous of his younger brother’s social skills. He wanted to kill him too. It appears that his younger brother was socially savvy. He wrote in his manifesto, “It is very unfair how some boys are able to live such pleasurable lives while I never had any taste of it, and now it has been confirmed to me that my little brother will become one of them,” he wrote. “He will become a popular kid who gets all the girls. Girls will love him. He will become one of my enemies.”

Some of the few friends that Elliot Rodger had were pretty sure that he was insane due to the things he was talking about. He did not have too many friends. He was always lonely or sitting away from the rest of the group. He was very shy.
Did it have to be this way? What was missing? Were the therapists or mental health professionals able to manage this young man?
Even though he was not officially diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome Disorder, Elliot’s parents believed he was on the spectrum. He was a high functioning adult who knew what he was going to do as he wrote about it in his manifesto and posted on his videos.
“I tactfully told them that it was all a misunderstanding, and they finally left. If they had demanded to search my room .. .. that would have ended everything,” he wrote. “For a few horrible seconds I thought it was all over. When they left, the biggest wave of relief swept over me.”

Gender violence: Man on women violence is real. Rodger planned to attack first his roommates, then women who had rejected him, and last the passersby.

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